Week 4 and 5 Pregnancy Vlog
4/5 weeks

Week 4

Week 5 (evening pic- so a bit bloated)
The size of a Poppyseed (4 wks) & Sesame Seed (5 wks)
Positive pregnancy tests! It was such a shock and so unexpected, but really the most beautiful and exciting thing to ever happen to us ! We weren’t even trying hahah! In fact we were trying NOT to - I had just gone off the pill because I have a fibroid that I wanted to try and get rid of and we were using other methods because we still have our wedding celebration coming up etc. and it just wasn’t when we were planning to have kids (we were planning on maybe end next year).
We’ve always wanted baby’s (I’ve always thought that my main reason for living was to be a mum) but let’s just say this was honestly such a beautiful surprise. There’s something so beautiful about not planning it and life just happening the way it’s supposed to. And aaah, it’s been magical. I took quite a few tests (obsessed) and have watched the line grow darker over time because we were in such disbelief, and I went for a blood test! So safe to say little bump is on board.

The first ever test!!!

Week 5

Watching the line get darker😬

(3 weeks = 5 weeks because they technically count your pregnancy from the day of your last period - so I’m currently 5 weeks and 6 days) almost 6 weeks! Also clearly a test addict 🤣
Feeling really nauseous (I was actually feeling this way from about 3 weeks and didn’t know what it was from until I found out at 4 weeks) and starting to feel on edge because I want to go to the scan. I know everything is okay, but it’s just a really nice feeling to be reassured that little baby is okay, and it makes it that much more real to see him/her on the screen. I’ve also been getting a tad irritated with something so little so I have just been avoiding and walking away from anything that might have that effect and really staying in this happy little bubble.
Wrapping our heads around the fact that we’re gonna have a little baby.
Every morning I wake up and am reminded of my little belly and feeling so excited about going through pregnancy and feeling so grateful that I get to experience it.

Before I knew that I was pregnant I went on a long run and did a high intensity gym class, but since finding out the very next day that I was pregnant I haven’t done much.
I know you’re supposed to take it easy in the first trimester and I haven’t yet seen or spoken to my gyne.
I have been going on gentle walks almost every day with the dogs. But even walking up my stairs leaves me breathless.
Loads of avo and tomatoes on rice cakes with loads of salt and vinegar on top, olives!, salads, pasta Neapolitana. Healthy stuff.

Meat, and the smell of cooking meat (thanks Trav) and any kind of chicken/fish/meat. Also just off food in general. The ongoing nausea doesn’t help.
OLIVES!!!!! And anything SALTY!

I’ve just been thinking a lot about how people really struggle to get pregnant and it takes a lot of time and planning, and I was off the pill for my second month and fell pregnant, even though I had had kind of a weird period. And I just feel so grateful and can’t help thinking that my mom who past away a year ago had something to do with this little miracle ;) I miss my mum so much and wish I could share all of this with her. I had such an amazing relationship with my mum and she’d have been the first person I told!
But I am feeling just so happy and excited and so CALM. Feeling extremely zen.
I’ve also been watching so many of Your Zen Mama’s Pregnancy VLOGS and I just feel so calm and inspired by Teresa Palmer (fav ever) and I’ve been listening to a lot of preggy podcasts.

Check out my VLOG